Our board

Linda Davison
Linda knows exactly what it takes to run a service. She is the coordinator of Clarendon Children’s Centre – an outstanding service, and the location of choice for the launch of the Victorian government’s funded Three-Year-Old Kinder program. Linda was Early Childhood Director of the Year in 2017, has sat on the board of the Children’s Services Co-ordinators’ Association (2000–2017), and was the Deputy National Convenor of Australian Community Children’s Services (2015-2022).

Dr Bruce Hurst
Deputy Chairperson
Bruce is our OSHC expert – one of the rare few Australian academics who specialise in outside school hours care. His work draws on methods that give children a voice in the research. Bruce worked in diverse early childhood roles for more than 25 years.

Brian Newman
Brian is a writer and an advocate for social justice in early childhood. He has been an educator and manager of early years services, and is chair of ACCS’s Children’s Education and Care Industry Reference Committee, which is responsible for the content of educator training.

Barry Hahn
Barry’s background is in health and human services, with more than 25 years’ experience in senior management roles. He is currently the Manager of Social Policy and Early Years Services with Moreland City Council. He is skilled in strategic service planning and stakeholder engagement.

Christine Straubinger
Christine is an early childhood consultant with 25 years’ experience in the early childhood sector – from direct service delivery in kindergartens right through to managing a children’s services team within the Department of Education and Training Victoria.

Janine Voigt-Brown
Janine has worked in the education and care sector since the 1980s, with roles including senior manager in local government, state government policy advisor, early years advocate and preschool field officer. Her career is guided by a philosophy of curiosity and embracing new challenges.

Mardi Luff
Mardi manages Poets Grove Family & Children's Centre, a not-for-profit, community-run service in Melbourne’s bayside. With nearly two decades of experience in education and care, she specialises in performance improvement, career development, coaching, mentoring and community building. Mardi holds an Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Early Education from Monash University.

Sigi Hyett
Sigi is a lifelong learner and believes every day is a gift. She has a Bachelor of Early Childhood, Diploma of Community Services, Diploma of Business and is a member of the Institute of Community Directors Australia. Sigi is a passionate early childhood professional and has worked in the sector for more than 30 years. She is the CEO at Northern Schools Early Years Cluster Inc.
CCC committees
OSHC Victoria Sub-Committee
The OSHC Vic Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of our board and a voice for CCC OSHC members. The committee is made up of Community Child Care Association members who are from the not-for-profit sector including educators, users, sponsors or committee members of OSHC services.
The sub-committee supports CCC to represent and speak on OSHC policy issues in CCC’s role as the Victorian branch of the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA).
We meet once a month. Rural members are very welcome to attend or join by phone. If you are a not-for-profit interested in participating in the OSHC Victoria Sub-Committee or if you would like more information, please contact Community Child Care Association on (03) 9486 3455 or reception@cccinc.org.au.