Individual flexibility arrangement pack

Individual flexibility arrangements (IFAs) can help you access the government funding for educator pay rises. Our easy-to-use template pack makes the process simple and stress-free.

Individual flexibility arrangement pack

Unlock the pay rise your team deserves – we’re here to support you. Our approved IFA template pack will support you to access the worker retention payment.

What are IFAs?

Individual flexibility arrangements (IFAs) are written agreements made between an employer and an individual employee to vary a term of the award or agreement that covers the employee.

An IFA is a workplace instrument that can be used to access the government’s worker retention payment, provided it's drafted in line with the Fair Work Act and the grant guidelines.

Note that the Department’s updated grant guidelines require providers to inform all eligible ECEC workers on the types of compliant workplace instruments.

Who can use an IFA?

Most awards and agreements include a ‘flexibility term’ allowing for IFAs to be made.

Who can use the IFA pack?

Any provider eligible to apply for the worker retention grant (long day care or outside school hours care) with staff employed under the Children’s Services Award 2010 or the Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2020 can use the templates in our IFA Pack.

For services with staff employed under alternative awards or existing enterprise agreements, please call us on 1300 346 818 or email our Education and Care Workplace Relations Team for advice. 

What does the IFA pack include?

The IFA pack includes IFA templates for eligible providers to use to access the government funding for the 15% pay rise for educators and teachers. The pack includes: 

  • A step-by step guide to making Individual Flexible Arrangements
  • An IFA template for employees covered by the Children's Service Award 2010
  • An IFA template for trainees covered by the Children's Service Award 2010
  • An IFA template for employees covered by the Educational Services(Teachers) Award 2020.
  • Instructions on how to make the IFA
  • One hour of phone support with our education and care workplace relations experts.

These templates can be used for each eligible staff member – you only need to purchase this pack once.

Cost: $825.00 (including GST) for members

Order your IFA pack today

Note: Any service that purchases the IFA pack, and then later decides to sign on to the Early Childhood Education and Care Multi-Employer Agreement (MEA), will have the cost of the IFA pack deducted from the MEA service fee.

Individual flexibility arrangements (IFAs) can help you access the government funding for educator pay rises. Our easy-to-use template pack makes the process simple and stress-free.