Circle of Security Classroom

Circle of Security Classroom

Training for early childhood professionals

Learning to support children with their feelings is a skill all early childhood teachers and educators can work on. We need to hold back from wanting to ‘fix’ things and just listen and validate when children experience big emotions.

Ready to think differently about your environment and approach to children’s behaviour? The internationally acclaimed Circle of Security Classroom course will support your educator team to look beyond children’s immediate behaviour and think about how to meet their genuine relationship needs.

Educators will learn how to:

  • Create emotionally supportive environments
  • Manage the needs of many children at once and look for ‘invisible’ children
  • Conduct judgement-free discussions about behaviour with families
  • Tailor their approach to reach children they’re finding tricky to connect with.
Use your innovative solutions or school readiness funding

We are an accredited school readiness provider as part of the Victorian Department of Education and Training’s School Readiness Funding menu , and are certified with Circle of Security International.

Circle of Security Classroom training aligns with QA1, 4, 5 and 6, and APST 1, 3, 4 and 6. It contributes towards the 20 hours of required PD for VIT renewal of registration.

Learn more about Circle of Security Classroom
Learn more about Circle of Security Parenting (COS-P)

Why choose CCC for your professional development?
  • We will come to your service – whether you’re in metro Melbourne or regional Victoria – or we can deliver your training virtually
  • Fully customisable training to match your quality improvement goals, your team’s development areas and your budget
  • Our expert consultants have 150+ years’ lived experience in the field, which means you get practical, relatable PD that you can immediately apply in your service
What early childhood and OSHC services are saying

'SO FUN! We got to be creative and hands-on. Beautiful material and practical advice. Thank you so much! What a fabulous day this was’ – Regina, Clifton Street Children’s Centre (Exceeding-rated service)

'One of the biggest achievements for us was the implementation of and commitment to a brand new philosophy. [CCC] assisted us to create a philosophy and a set of values that was a true reflection of our service' – Ellen, Creekside Kindergarten