Children sitting in a row with their backs facing the camera and with arms wrapped around each other
Community Child Care Association felt proud to advocate with the council to prevent the closure of community-managed and council-run services in the City of Port Phillip.
Educators giving each other a high five
Indications made by the Treasurer over the weekend suggest that the upcoming Federal Budget will allocate funding to increase wages in the ECEC sector.
Julie Price, CCC Exec Director speaking outside at Canberra
Jim Chalmers’ Sunday blitz of pre-Budget interviews saw the Treasurer suggesting women would be the 'big beneficiaries' of what's handed down in this year's federal budget.
Manjula Waniganyake with graduates
Early learning organisations have shared their sadness at the passing of Professor Manjula Waniganayake, a well known and much loved author, academic, advocate and educator.
Children playing hopscotch in a school yard
Inclusive practice does not exist in a vacuum. In fact, strong inclusive practice can broadly benefit your service in ways you may not expect. We got in touch with The Loop OSHC service to see how…
Community Child Care Association team circa 2007
Multi-employer bargaining (MEB) is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to finally achieve fair pay for educators. This journey started long ago, and we likely wouldn’t be where we are if it wasn’t for…
Educators walking a hallway
Various members of the early childhood education and care (ECEC) community have responded to the Productivity Commission releasing its highly anticipated draft report in which the commission outlines…
Adult hand is raised
A consortium of early childhood education and care (ECEC) representatives were in Canberra last week to speak with key Ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs) about a government-funded wage rise…
Child playing in a sand pit with buckets
Six months have passed since the early childhood education and care sector lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission to begin wage increase negotiations with a group of employer…
Group of kindergarten children drawing outdoors
This latest development follows the Fair Work Commission’s recent decision to grant the application the green light and allow the Unions to convene with employer groups, including the Australian…
Three educators in a conversation, one is holding a folder
An assessment and rating (A&R) notification can be an exciting time for an early childhood education and care (ECEC) service, but uncertainty around the process can make some educators,…
Child colouring at a table
Watchdog’s latest report says childcare in Australia is ‘relatively less affordable for households than in most other OECD countries.