Young children playing together with stacking blocks and sliding beads
Price caps and naming and shaming providers that charge too much are among the options currently being considered by the government to limit runaway childcare costs, Education Minister Jason Clare…
A stack of coins next to a toy wooden house
The Fair Work Commission has approved the making of a supported bargaining authorisation that will allow key ECEC stakeholders to start wage negotiations. These negotiations could lead to an…
Parent with hands out, palms up looking exasperated
Bree Gaymer paid $160 to secure her son a spot in free kinder – and she considers herself lucky to get in at all. Victorian families have been left scrambling for kinder places after skyrocketing…
Educators with pleased expressions talking together at a table
New South Wales based early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers Gowrie NSW and Big Fat Smile have become the latest large providers to join an application to the Fair Work Commission (FWC)…
Child standing on adults feet
Community Child Care Association Executive Director Julie Price and Community Early Learning Australia CEO Michele Carnegie were present when Federal Education Minister Jason Clare addressed the…
Children's making handprints on canvas
At least four centres in Melbourne have announced plans to trial Saturday programs for three- and four-year-old kinder next year to cater for skyrocketing interest.
Group of educators stacking hands
On 6 June 2023 a group of unions with substantial membership bases in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission to commence negotiations…
Children's foam alphabet interlocking blocks
Staff working for sixty-five childcare employers across the country are seeking to strike a new joint agreement with a hefty increase in pay.  
Educators sharing their experiences in a group
Unions representing workers at twenty different early childhood education employers across NSW, the ACT and Victoria on Tuesday lodged an application to the Fair Work Commission.
Educators and children playing on soft equipment
Peak bodies CCC and CELA will represent community-run and small providers in the first national application for multi-employer bargaining in the early education and care sector.
Educator working with parent and child
Educators from Gowrie Victoria’s Carlton Learning Precinct used school readiness funding to access CCC's Trauma-Informed Early Childhood Training Package, and shared their story. 
Paper chain family
Peak bodies and advocates from the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector have responded to last night’s Federal Budget.