How do educational leaders fulfil our weekly and monthly duties while we are having to spend so much time working with children?

Question: How do educational leaders fulfil our weekly and monthly duties while we are having to spend so much time working with children?


It’s so important for educational leaders to have set non-contact time, agreed upon by you and your management team. Having a clear position description will support you to advocate for the time required to do your role.
An educational leader sharing instructions with an educator

In a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP), what’s the difference between a strength and an exceeding theme?

Question: In a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP), what’s the difference between a strength and an exceeding theme?


If you’re using the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) QIP template, there are designated spaces for both your service’s ‘strengths’ and ‘exceeding themes’.

Your strengths show how your practices are meeting the National Quality Standard (NQS). Highlighting your service’s strengths:

Educator working at a desk with a hot drink and a laptop

Children in my room don’t want to play together because they are different genders. What can we do to encourage mixed-gender play?

Question: Children in my room don’t want to play together because they are different genders. What can we do to encourage mixed-gender play?


How do you program for children of different genders? How do you speak with them about their parents, friends, experiences and emotions?

Undertake an audit of your program including books, images and resources to ensure they are not reinforcing gender biases.

Provide plenty of open-ended play experiences both indoors and outdoors that allow children to use materials in ways that are not predetermined by manufacturers and adults.

School age children playimg a game outside

What are the observation requirements in OSHC? My background is early childhood where daily observations are required. Just wondering if there are different requirements for MTOP?

Question: What are the observation requirements in OSHC? My background is early childhood where daily observations are required. Just wondering if there are different requirements for MTOP?


Some OSHC services ask children to complete an ‘about me’ template which they can change throughout the year, or a child ‘multiple intelligences survey’. These documents are then used to inform the educational program and practice.

School aged child writing in a notebook

Boosting motivation using the Educator Wellbeing Framework – The Sector

13 December 2022
Is your children’s service struggling with staff motivation? After a wet winter riddled with staff and children’s illnesses, it’s no wonder your staff are struggling.

Voters support funding aged care wage rise – The Brisbane Times

12 December 2022
A federal pledge to fund a pay rise for aged care workers has gained 59 per cent support, but voters are not so sure about using taxpayer cash to boost childcare pay as well.

CCC commits to Uluru Statement from the Heart ahead of referendum – The Sector

09 December 2022
CCC Executive Director, Julie Price and Chairperson Linda Davison shared with The Sector what it means for our organisation to commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Ways to include diverse families – The Sector

08 December 2022
CCC Inclusion Professionals spoke to The Sector about the importance of ensuring your service is welcoming of all families.

Media release: Peak body commits to Uluru Statement from the Heart

Education and care peak body, Community Child Care Association (CCC) has committed to supporting a First Nations voice to parliament.