Question: How do I support my team with timesaving strategies for documentation?
Time for our teachers and educators is of the essence and we always hear that there is never enough time to get documentation done. We need to work smarter, not harder.
Here are some simple ways to document children’s learning.
For each of the points below, get children involved with creating a mind map in a big sketchbook:
- Print a photo of the children at play, stick it in the book and ask, ‘What was happening here?’ Give children the opportunity to tell you what was happening and ask what other types of play could be tried next
- Ask the children for ideas. If you are making decisions in the service (such as a pet’s name or community awareness projects), ask for ideas then offer two to three options for the children to vote on
- Ask a child if they want to tell you about their work. Write down what they say to you and ask if they would have liked anything else to add to their work, for example, different colours or mediums
- Ask caregivers what they do together as a family – meal times, activities, special people they visit – add these to your book to help you come up with ideas.
Documentation can be fun; it doesn’t need to be typed or look perfect!
Narelle Lawton
Consultant, Community Child Care Association